What holds you back from who you want to be?
If a Flower Doesn’t Bloom Is It The Flowers Fault?
Do you drink poison to hurt someone else?
Do You Say I Hope, I Want or I’m Committed
Lying to Yourself is Like Cheating at Solitaire
Henry Ford Didn’t Try to Make the Horse Faster
The Difference Between A Guest and a Pest
Golf Balls Have Dimples for a Reason
You are a work of art in the making
Most Things in Life Are Caught Not Taught
It's Time to Get Lit!
To Be Successful You Need to Be A Quitter
The Road to Success has Potholes
Do you have Great Expectations?
It’s a New Connected Era But Are We Really?
What’s your over and under?
Do You Rationalize or Is It Rational-Lies?
Is Success Hard or is it Heart
Anyone Can Be a CEO - That Includes You!
What brings you life make a priority in your life
Feeding Two Monsters - Fear and Faith
In Our Weaknesses there is Power
You Heard About “the Secret of the Corn"?
It’s Time to Get Light and Lose the Baggage
Pursue Greatness or Mediocrity will Pursue You
Losses or Lessons…Winning or Learning
It’s Hard to Hit a Target If You Keep Moving It
Success Journey: Grit to Grind to Glory
It’s Only Possible Until Someone Does It
"Go Through the “Suck” to Get to Success"
"Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?
Success, Not Always Addition, It’s Subtraction
There's No Elevator To Success. Take The Stairs!
Do you want success? You got to get gritty
Are you really connecting? Here's some tips
When life punches you punch it back!
Better by Chance or Better By Change
Your Self Worth will Equal Your Net Worth
Success is a Very Poor Teacher
You Got a Case of the Shoulda, Woulda Couldas
Seek to Understand before Being Understood
Do you make a resolution or you set goals?
Gift suggestions…The gift that keeps on giving
You are here to accomplish great things
Crazy People Talk to Themselves…Do they Really?
Persistence is Stubbornness with a Purpose
Without a Vision the People Perish
Do you think Relationships are a 50/50 thing? Well I am here to tell you that it’s a 100/0 thing!
Does it take a Lot Discipline to Succeed? Nope!
Who, What, Where, When and WHY…
Have You Walked in Their Shoes?
Get Your BSA Degree...Believe. Speak. Act.
Farmers Don’t Cram Their Crops
Practice Makes Permanent (Not Perfect)
Are One of These Diseases Stopping You From Succeeding?
You Can’t Cut a Tree Down with a Butter Knife
It’s Not What Happens to You. It’s How You React to It & What You Learn From It.
Your Attitude will Determine Your Altitude!
Add Value, Lose Nothing, Gain A Lot!
The Story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree
Crazy or Destined for Greatness?
Face Your Dragons and Slay Them Daily
Get a Routine, Have an Extraordinary Life
Off with the Old and On with the New
To Increase Your Self Worth Uplift Others
No Traffic When You Go the Extra Mile
Let Go of the Railing. It Will Be Okay!
What Does it Mean to Be a Go-Giver
The Power of a Personal message or Note
Do You Have an Intro Video?
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
You've Got to See it to Achieve it!
Life and Death is in the Tongue!
Are You Emptying Your Cup?
Are You Being Pushy or Persuasive?
What is Effective Communication?
The Power of Accountability and Consistency
Leading with a Limp
Find Your Passion or Know Your Purpose!?
Time Management or Event Management!
The Power of Positive Expectations
Advice or Mentorship, What's the Difference?
Start With What You've Got, Right Now!
It’s not the what it’s the why and who
You Are the Master of Your Fate
Don’t Pitch, Really Connect
The importance of Your Appearance
Excellence with Grace
It's the little things
"Be a Giver Not a Taker"
"You Too Can Be a Master Connector"
"Don't Set Resolutions, Set Goals"
“Give the gift of connection and reach out!”
“Have a story to tell”
“The importance of your personal brand”
“Mirror and Matching to Connect More Effectively”
Have an attitude of gratitude
Stay consistent, no matter what!!
Harvest Time is Coming Soon
Be hear and now. Trust your gut. Don’t overthink things.
Go Get it